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Mirror Sound

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Magic Sound


Loud-speaker is everywhere around us even if we don’t always notice it. One can find it in a car, a cinema room, on a railway station quay, in a supermarket or even at home very simply! Therefore, the men like to vibrate to the sound of music he likes, but, among his senses, hearing is one of his most efficient localisation and communication tool.

Few are the people that don’t have a loud speaker and, often, in several copies. They can be inside a phone headphone, or integrated to a computer casing, a radio alarm clock, a TV set, or more often hidden behind bars or protection tissue of a speaker, it is everywhere present in our everyday life. And if ever we thought they had disappeared from some places, this one will suddenly make its presence obvious: giving atmosphere music in a supermarket, announcing an imminent departure in the railway stations or airports, or giving joy behind a steering wheel when you are in a traffic-jam.

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